Arizona Council of Engineering and Scientific Associations

Support ACESA


ACESA is a 501(c)(3) corporation incorporated in the state of Arizona.
Click here for contact information.

The programs of ACESA include:

  • preparation and distribution of publicity materials related to Arizona science fairs and STEM events,
  • participation fees for attending selected STEM events,
  • administration of the GCOI Teacher of the Year and Future Innovator of the Year programs, including publicizing those programs, and
  • development and maintenance of this website.

Contributions and dues payments can be made securely through our Stripe portal.

Private Donations

Donations can be made securely

Donate to ACESA


Dues for new and renewing members

Corporate members may display their logo on the home page.

Recurring annual membership


Lifetime membership for Corporate sponsors

Corporate lifetime membership



Corporate and EFI Donations

ACESA welcomes Corporate sponsors and has registered on the Benevity network. Your employee's donations are efficiently transferred directly to ACESA with no additional overhead.

Learn about Benevity

The ACESA newsletter is published every now and then. To ensure privacy, the mailing list is administred by the MailChimp email service.

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