Arizona Council of Engineering and Scientific Associations
Call for Judges 2025 : Governor's Celebration of Innovation

ACESA is actively recruiting qualified professionals to serve as judges for the GCOI Teacher and Future Innovator of the Year Awards. There is a special need for judges representing organic and life sciences. If you have found this page that means you have an interest in participating as a judge.

All competition entries are submitted electronically and made available to all judges. Judges evaluate responses to the 8 or 9 questions answered by the teachers and students. The number of entries varies each year, but usually there are 30-40 submissions in total for the two competitions. The entries may contain private information, and we ask for your discretion in keeping that information confidential.

Judging takes place during the months of June and July, with the final meeting in early August. An earlier meeting for introductions and orientation may also be scheduled, if there is enough interest. The total time commitment is expected to be about 20 hours, depending on the number of entries received. Your commitment to the task is very important because procrastination in the pleasant summer months is a very common outcome.

Evaluation is performed individually by each judge and then judges meet together to rank the candidates and select the winners and runners-up. The final judges meeting (date tbd) has been virtual for the last few years, but an in-person meeting can be arranged if the judges would like that option this year.

Judging is organized and administered by the Arizona Council of Engineering and Scientific Associations (, on behalf of GCOI.

Volunteering or questions? Contact Kevin Kilzer.

Published: 2 weeks ago

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