Arizona Council of Engineering and Scientific Associations
For Professional Associations

The 1957 mission of ACESA was to support, promote and coordinate programs and activities of the engineering and scientific associations within the State of Arizona through facilitated communication and leadership support.

Although times and technology have altered the way things can be done, that mission has remained unchanged for these 60 years.

Sky-high thinkingFrom the original charter:

The object shall be to take action upon matters of common interest to the engineers and scientists members represented in ACESA. The constitution identifies 6 underlying objectives supporting this mission:

1. Develop a monthly joint magazine for all societies.

2. Bring various societies closer together and promote the interchange of ideas, programs and professional activities.

3. Combine the efforts of all societies on any project for the good of the engineering profession.

4. Develop programs to encourage students to follow engineering.

5. Become better acquainted with individual members of all societies.

6. Study the problems of engineering education and its need for all communities and recommend and endorse the expansion of our engineering educational institutions as required.

The original engineering categories are Chemical, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering. Recently, Biomedical Engineering is now added to this group. Today, there are hundreds of different engineering and scientific organizations in the Phoenix Valley and Arizona that can work together to these common goals.

ACESA has organized an ever-growing list of professional and scientific organizations. Included are some consulting engineering firms, some trade associations, educational affiliations, STEM/CTE competitions, and other companies with backgrounds supporting our current initiatives.

In accordance with our current charter and mission statement, our objective hasn’t changed and we continue to outreach to all the organizations to become involved with us and become members of ACESA. Please go to the register page and signup today.

Published: 4 years ago

The ACESA newsletter is published every now and then. To ensure privacy, the mailing list is administred by the MailChimp email service.

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