Each year, the Arizona Technology Council (AzTechCouncil) and the Arizona Commerce Authority present the Teacher of the Year award to Arizona’s top STEM or CTE teacher. The presentation will take place at the annual Governor’s Celebration of Innovation (GCOI) awards ceremony along with awards honoring Arizona’s top students and technology companies.
A graphic poster/pdf file that you can share is now available!
One top award winner and up to two honorable mentions are selected from all nominee entries, to receive a cash award and the opportunity to share their personal teaching experiences at the GCOI awards ceremony. Judges review several different professional areas, including education and experience, classroom techniques and success, and mentoring and extracurricular activities addressing both students and other teachers.
Additional contest details are provided at ACESA.org.
Previous winners are listed here.
Note: application deadline has been extended to July 24, 2022, at midnight. This applies to all GCOI entrants!
Fill out Parts II and III (pdf) as directed by Part I (pdf) and send the completed entry to:
toy _at_ acesa.orgShare with your colleagues by downloading the Teacher-of-the-Year infographic (PDF)!
The Teacher of the Year award is presented concurrently with
the Future Innovator of the Year award for students.