Arizona Council of Engineering and Scientific Associations
STEMteachersPHX:Computational Thinking
Saturday, 4/5/2025 — 9:00 AM

STEMteachersPHX is streamlining for 2024-25! Our 4-hour Saturday events will focus on a single theme, with a featured presenter and breakout sessions designed for specific grade bands.


Are you interested in sharing an activity from your classroom? We're looking for breakout session presenters!


Session Agenda

9:00 - 9:20      Registration and Welcome

9:20 - 10:20    General Session, facilitated by Melissa Girmscheid

10:20 - 10:30  Break

10:30 - 11:30   Breakout Session #1

11:30 - 12:40   Breakout Session #2

12:45 - 1:00     Closing

This entry first activated 9/8/2024 and has not yet expired.
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